copyright 2000.  poor al.


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The Buff Squad, November 2000.

The Ministry of Public Imagery commenced its 'zero-tolerance' policy against graffiti.  The 'tagger' hunting season began last November, and will continue through the Xmas season.  Advertising is allowable, but any self-expression is expressively prohibited.  In retaliation artist insurgents attacked a large print piece in an act of defiance.  The eradication squad is on the scene and fixing the problem.

Piece is a manipulation on someone's print making class project.  In the private collection of Art Crimes.

Fist of Commerce, November 2000.

The Ministry of Public Imagery's campaign to clean up the visual environment is underway.  Earth-mart art from the ages is being shown at EMMA(Earth-Mart Museum of Art) including the work of Matisse, Van Gogh, Nagel and Rivera.  The Earth-Mart Fist of Commerce is generally thought of as the "most universally painted symbol of the Masters".  Pictured here is a team from the Ministry work in-progress putting up Matisse's rendition of "the fist".

Piece is a manipulation on a Matisse print from a 1970 show in Denmark.  In the private collection of Art Crimes.

(Re)definition, December 2000.

The Ministry of Pediatrics has instituted a new policy of non-mirrored children's toys.  It's feared that young bots might develop self-worth and identity if they're able to see themselves in a reflection early on.  The Fist of Commerce image has been shown to increase young bots productivity and consumption when presented to them at a very young age.

Piece is a manipulation on a Playschool(tm) Mirror-Toy.  In the private collection of the artist David Adams.

<Earth-mart Armed Forces and Civil Services Gallery