copyright 2000.  poor al.

Self-Portrait Bot #3A:  SOLD

(in the collection of AZ/NY Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ.)

This canvas was sold at the Guernsey's Auction in New York City, June, 2000.

12x16” Acrylic on Canvas, 1999

Earth-mart realized the necessity of artists in society, so the military in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Information revived the National Endowment for the Arts, and built this prototype of the "Artist Bot".  Unfortunately, they weren't able to program it with any other ability other than painting itself hyper-realistically over and over again. a successful twist of public relations named it the Self-Portrait Bot, and began a the "It's Sane To Be The Same" campaign. 

This canvas sold at the Guernsey's Auction in New York City, June, 2000.

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